
How to Install Website Speedy App on the HubSpot Website?

To install the Website Speedy app on your HubSpot follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to HubSpot Website Dashboard

Begin by logging into your HubSpot account to access your website dashboard.

Step 2: Go to App Marketplace

Navigate to the App Marketplace from the main menu.

Step 3: Search for "Website Speedy"

Use the search bar to find the "Website Speedy" app.

Step 4: Choose Account

Select the HubSpot account where you want to install the app.

Step 5: Click on "Connect App" to Install App

Click on the "Connect App" button to initiate the installation process.

Step 6: Enter Three URLs of Your Website

Provide three URLs from your website to assess and optimize.

Step 7: Click on the "Boost Speed Now" Button

Press the "Boost Speed Now" button to proceed.

Step 8: Install the Speed Enhancement Script on Your Website

Follow the provided instructions to install the speed enhancement script.

Step 9: Copy and Paste Script on Website and Save

Copy the script and paste it into your website's code, then save the changes.

Step 10: Click on "Verify" and Go to Step 3

Click the "Verify" button to ensure the script is correctly installed and move to the next step.

Step 11: Check Your Updated Speed

Review your website's updated speed metrics to see the improvements.